Important information

Please include your postal address when you register. 

Building Children's Social Emotional Capacity comes with some physical classroom resources we would like to send to you - a set of feeling cards and a feelings poster to support practice and feelings about emotions.

Course Overview

Each module will be released progressively to coincide with the LIVE online sessions that support this course.

  • 1


    • Introduction to the course

    • LIVE online sessions - registration links

  • 2

    Building Foundations

    • Downloadable Workbook

    • Understanding social emotional learning

    • Building emotional intelligence

  • 3

    Building Foundations: Optional Resources

    • READING: How trauma effects children and young people

    • REFLECTION: 'I am in the room'

    • REFLECTION: Emotional Intelligence Self Reflection

    • RESEARCH: links, blogs and video

  • 4

    Engaging Frameworks

    • RULER Approach

    • Supported Social Learning

  • 5

    Engaging Frameworks: Optional Resources

    • READING: Calm, Alert, Happy

    • READING: Supported Social Learning

    • TOOL: Integrating Emotional Language

    • RESEARCH: Links, blogs and video

  • 6

    Teacher Practice

    • Listening

  • 7

    Teacher Practice: Optional Resources

    • READING: Pedagogy of Listening

    • READING: A culture of inquiry

    • RESEARCH: Links, blogs, videos

  • 8

    Practical Strategies

    • The Breath with Emma Parsons

    • OPTIONAL BONUS: Walking with Children